And Spanish tanks utilized double differential program since 1920s: When I looked for historical details, I discovered that French invented the very first double-differential steerage system for wheeled vehicle since 1898. A similar skid-steering wheeled automobile, TV1000 'Rhino' also use steering levers instead of guiding wheel, and it possess triple-differential system. Some information says AMX 10 RC make use of a triple-differential program, like some British isles tanks and AFVs. It also had a alternative running on paths:Īs for steering theory, there are different explanations. The driver uses guiding levers rather of a steerig steering wheel, and it's nearly similar with those on AMX 10P monitored AFV. The transmitting case is similar to some tank transmission. As wé know, AMX 10 RC is definitely a very specific wheeled AFV for it'beds skid steerage program.